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About Us and Our Practice

Our Mission Statement

Here at LHAH – we offer clients personalized service and options for their pets. We believe in whole-body care for the whole life of their pets. We pride ourselves in our commitment to education for both our staff and clients. We offer excellent customer service, compassionate care, and THE MOST friendly caring staff. While we work – we have FUN! Happy staff translates to happy clients and pets. Animals can sense more than we are aware and a happy staff help to calm our patients and make the experience better overall. We are dedicated to open communication, integrative options, and an outstanding medical team to tend to the health and well-being of your pets.

Contact us with your questions or schedule an appointment.

Our Niwot, Boulder County veterinary hospital is devoted to your pet’s well-being.

Left Hand Animal Hospital was formed with the idea that your pet should be treated as a whole being. All parts of your pets’ wellness and care, from vaccination choices to behavioral checkups to pain assessments should be integrated into your pets’ wellness assessment. From pre-adoption/pre-purchase counseling for your puppy or kitten, through training, wellness care including diet counseling, behavioral advice, and preventative dental and wellness care programs, through middle age and senior care, we practice integrated medicine and surgery, including diet advice, exercise programs, supplement advice.  We practice integrated pain management including acupuncture, laser therapy, herbs, medicines, and animal rehabilitation. We excel at surgical care, including pre-operative counseling and bloodwork, a dedicated surgical team, and top-of-the-line post-operative pain management and healing techniques. Our goal is to help you to provide whole-body care for the whole life of your pet.

Contact us today to schedule your pet care appointment with our friendly and dedicated veterinary team!